Latest NPP Scope of Work

In late July, the Neighborhood Engagement Office (NEO), formerly know as the Office of Neighborhood Engagement, produced a revised scope of work for the Neighborhood Participation Program (NPP). In this scope of work, NEO proposes a 5 phase process that would begin this month, and be completed in May 2013. Here is a timeline for the 5 phases to establish of a NPP:

Phase I—Framework development of City’s NPP
August 2011 to October 2011

Phase II—Development and adoption of City Planning Commission’s NPP component
October 2011 to March 2012

Phase III—Pilot implementation/evaluation of the City Planning Commission’s NPP component
April 2012-September 2012

Phase IV—Limited implementation/evaluation of City’s NPP across targeted city government departments
November 2012-March 2013

Phase V—Comprehensive implementation of the City’s NPP (city-wide program finalization with lessons learned from initial implementation)
May 2013

On Tuesday August 2, the City Planning Commission’s (CPC) Neighborhood and Inter-Governmental Relations Committee met to discuss the latest NPP Scope of Work with a representative of NEO. The discussion was general positive about this latest Scope. Due to a cut in CPC’s budget and hiring freezes, there were some concerns that CPC does not have the financial and staff capacity to complete the project according to this timeline.

CPC and NEO agree to make some changes to the NEO’s Scope of Work and CPC’s Scope of Work (which will guide Phases 2 and 3). They will also work to develop a budget to complete this process. They will take the revised Scopes of Work (NEO and CPC) and budget to CPC Operational Committee meeting on August 9 or 23 to vote to approve these Scopes. We will let you know if we receive notice of the meeting’s agenda.

Here are copies of the latest Scopes of Work. Please note that minor changes are being made to both of these documents. We will continue to inform you about changes and updates to NPP framework.

NEO NPP Revised Scope of Work

CPC Revised Scope of Work

Karen Gadbois with The Lens wrote an article about the NPP process. Here is a link to Karen’s article. Please contact Nick Kindel at or 267-4665 with any questions or comments.